Tag Archives: love

Soundtrack to “The Unusual Life of Timothy Green”

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The soundtrack to A lovely, touching movie, which I highly recommend it to everyone!

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November 18, 2012 · 11:21 pm

Thanksgiving Dinner Inside


Hidden in our hearts are often the seeds of the most tremendous beauty we are, even as incredible humans, often unable to imagine. Unless we allow our deepest and purest beauty shine through. Some of us are more capable of this than others. But even the others of us can learn.

We are humans. We are far more capable than sometimes we even imagine.

So, as I was saying, hidden in our hearts are these seeds. They are seeds of strength and power, courage and beauty. Even if we never know they exist, they exist. Sometimes others see them even we when do not. Sometimes.

There are days when we come close. And there are days when they launch us into mesmerizing leaping hearts of gold life Imageand dancing. Those days…I think you know the ones…those days are when our eyes sparkle and shine. Those are the days when we do magic. We feel magic and we believe. We just believe.

Can you think back to your last one of these days? I bet if you try really really hard you can. You’re really special, you know. You’ve got those days piled inside of you. One of them will pop up and you’ll be so happy to see it. I promise you.

Is it bad that I’m promising you something gigantic and huge and spectacular like this? It is all that you know? And you will get it. It will happen to you. You’ll feel it before you know it and you’ll know it when you feel it.  Image

Don’t worry at all if that makes no sense to you. Not at all. Sometimes we humans count too much on our brains. Sometimes we have to just let the feeling move up our bones and into our hearts from there…like from our feet to our heads and our hearts. Never discount the feeling that comes up from your feet. That happy feeling, it finds the right track! It finds it like it’s the Yellow Brick Road to your heart. And it’s paved in really really amazingly bright gold. And it’s for you. You know? It’s for you like nobody else. Nobody.

Lif is our rain dance, my friend. When you dance and dance and dance and then even dance some more when you stop, that’s your life singing into you. That’s your life telling you you’ve got it right. Your life knows, man! It knows like nobody’s business. Don’t you doubt it. Ever. Not never.Image

Nope. Not ever.

It picked you from millions!  YOU!

You were picked, my friend. Life jumped up and down cuz the nurses thought it was pointing at someone else. No way, man! It was pointing at you! ImageYOU’RE it! 

So, there you are, growing and glowing cuz life picked YOU. Smiling and breathing and inhaling and all this special stuff, cuz you got it.

And you. Your reason for being born, it was gigantic. Just like you.

You are here to do amazing things. Look at you! Magic!

Look at how you make others feel when you smile! ImageHow simple is that, huh! How easy!  Just think about all of the other things you can do if just your smile does so much! You could change the world, couldn’t you! Think about it! And how hard would it be! If you can change a person’s day with your smile, your words, your thoughts, your actions, your deeds could do that much for many others.

That’s like a wow of Exciting stuff, isn’t it! Are you holding your breath? Don’t do that.

BREATHE! And breathe it in. You’re extraordinary and you don’t even have to do anything special to be that way. You just ARE. I hope that feels good! Know why? Cuz it sure feels good to tell you!

You see? You did it again! You just did it.

Miles and miles, that’s how far you will go. And you won’t even have to walk around the block.

Big hearts.  Big  smiles.  Big ideas.  Big dreams. You’ve got them all, don’t you and you’re not afraid of sharing them!

You’re amazing! Hey kid! You know? You’ve got something special there. Don’t keep it hidden away. It’s like a big beautiful table set with a glorious Thanksgiving Feast right there inside your heart and Who wants to spend Thanksgiving alone! You’ve got a HUGE invitation list and they are all waiting to be invited. All you have to do is open up the doors and let them all IN! Your heart has MORE than enough room!  Image


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