Refit your company with a GLOWING BOTTOM LINE.


Your First Question: ” You can’t be SERIOUS!!!….LAUGHTER….in the OFFICE????”

My Answer…a BIG resounding”Ha Ha Ha…. YES!!!”

Imagine for a moment, the people that you work with…Laughing for Twenty Minutes before the start of every day at the office.
Are you picturing maybe that everyone gets along better when they are laughing?
Are you imagining that the result may be that people are less tense…and we all know that when people are free of stress they get an awful lot more work done.

Are you following my chain of thought?

Improved immune system? Check!
Stronger arteries? Check!
Lowered Blood Pressure? Absolutely!
Stronger Heart? You think not? You’d be Wrong!
Improved Lung Capacity…
AND lowered Cortisol (nasty stress hormone!) and Lowered Adrenaline (also has adverse effects on the body when in a sustained excessive supply, such as under stress and tension throughout the day.
….not to mention sustained Laughter is ALSO a GREAT abdominal workout!

(and also..ONE MORE THING…you think FAKE LAUGHTER won’t be good enough?
If you fake laugh…your body doesn’t know the difference, it believes you. So…if you laugh and breathe and clap like everyone else in the class, you will get the SAME BENEFITS AS THEY DO! EVEN IF IT’S NOT GENUINE LAUGHTER!

Where else but in a Laughter Yoga session!!
Mirthful and Unconditional Laughter…It’s not found in comedy shops. Think about the jokes you usually hear at Comedy Shops…Are they making fun of someone? Of Something? IS your brain active? Do you have to think a little bit, sometimes?

UNCONDITIONAL laughter that requires no brain engagement…no making fun of anyone or anything…in fact, someone can participate who doesn’t even speak the language and still get the same immune response and all the other benefits. Without even understanding what the Leader is saying….

You’re thinking of a Group…Maybe of the people at your Office..and then you think, “Nah! This would never fly!”
Well, I invite you to imagine…imagine your colleagues, employees, staff, team, faculty…what have you, all experiencing these benefits together!!
…Laughter Yoga can help measurably REDUCE the devastating EFFECTS of STRESS whiles also INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY and MORALE in your office!!
Now those aren’t such bad side effects, right? In fact, we generally call them BENEFITS!

Well…first of all…YOGA…the word all by itself basically means “Unity Through Breath”…it’s the Word that comes BEFORE Yoga that tells you what kind of exercise you’ll be doing when you are breathing together, as a class.
In this case…it’s Laughter Exercises. Exercises that inspire Childlike, Playful, Joyful, Mirthful Laughter…the kind you see kids in hysterics with…Ask them what’s so funny and they double over, laughing even harder.
Remember those times!?? I bet your smiling just thinking about those times. That’s because Laughter feels so good! Just laughing, for no reason is a relaxing, joyful and healing moment…Imagine a whole hour of it! And yes! It’s as good as it sounds!

Laughter Yoga combines aspects of Yoga with aspects of
1. Mirthful, UNCONDITIONAL Childlike, Playfulness, (recalls happier, and much more relaxed times in our Lives)
2. Breathing, (helps to Oxygenate the cells) Clapping,(Clapping stimulates the acupressure meridians in our palms)
3. Light (VERY Light) Stretching.
4. Eye Contact
5. Limiting Participation of the Thinking Brain. (The less we THINK during Laughter Yoga, the BETTER!)

No Jokes.
No Comedy.
Just Laughter!
Sound Silly?
It is!

I mean…think about it….can you answer this Question….WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOUR FACE AND STOMACH ACHED FROM A PROLONGED and SUSTAINED BOUT OF LAUGHTER? When was the last time you laughed uproariously at work??

Even Oprah’s old curmugeon make-up guy, Reggie, was changed after his experience at a Laughter Yoga session!

(from In 2007, Oprah sent makeup artist, Reggie Wells, the biggest complainer she knows, to a laughing yoga class. The result? Reggie was enlightened by the new experience. “It was very goofy in the beginning, … but you can’t fake a laugh,” Wells says. “Once you get into it, … the stress lifted from my soul. It lifted from my body.”



1 Comment

May 15, 2012 · 5:14 pm

One response to “Refit your company with a GLOWING BOTTOM LINE.

  1. Pingback: People With No Sense of Humor Can Prove Laughing Is Bad For You. « Human Body Engineer

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