Wake Up and Be APPRECIATIVE :)…I’ll Explain


Good Morning beautiful!
You! Yes…YOU! You are the ONLY one I’m talking to here…You matter so much! You COUNT in a HUGE way! There is no one else LIKE YOU…I’m not even kidding here. Ok? Got it? You’re important…to me..to the World. Yup. You matter.

Let that soak in for a few moments. Yes indeed…it DOES feel good. It should feel good. It’s amazing and true.

Ok…now that you’re getting used to that thought…here’s why I say Be Appreciative…Appreciation does not look back at what was once here and now, is not….Appreciation is filled with looking forward…well, being PRESENT…If you are appreciating something, you are present in the moment and THAT is a powerful, loving, awesome place to be.

Wake up present in that very moment…and allow appreciation to FILL you … watch!! The things that you appreciate right in that moment will appreciate for you…right before your very eyes.

Appreciation is a the most powerful, present moment expression of thankfulness. This is because it’s so very present and now-based.

Try it now! Yes….just look at something you Love and are Thankful for…and look at it with deep appreciation…see how it grows more valuable (appreciates right back for you!)..you see how it does that?

So, that’s it! Wake up in the morning and let your FIRST thought be one of APPRECIATION…look around and Appreciate the things that matter to you…the people that matter to you…the aspects of your life that matter to you….spend a few moments every morning sharing your appreciation for the things in your life that matter. …

Your life will become filled with so much value and so much appreciation, your sense of abundance will seem like it could overwhelm you with joy, and love and meaning. Don’t worry ๐Ÿ™‚ It Won’t. You can’t put out any such thing as too much appreciation. Never. Can’t happen. Promise.

Your appreciation for the World and everything in it that matters to you will raise you up…YOU will raise you up.

Just you watch! Being raised up by Anyone is a powerful thing…but raising yourself up…that’s the nut. Just You Watch, sugar. Are you smiling now?

You will be. ๐Ÿ™‚

Love and Laughter
http://www.feelgoodfirst.net (Coming SOON!)



Filed under Choosing to Live Life Predominantly Happy, Inspiration, Intention, life, quality of life

2 responses to “Wake Up and Be APPRECIATIVE :)…I’ll Explain

  1. Brimming with hope! Glad to connect, Heidi ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

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