Tag Archives: happily

Do You Give Yourself Credit for Being Truly Magnificent?

Do you Give Yourself The Credit You Deserve for being MAGNIFICENT? 

YOU are MAGNIFICENT!! Do you feel that truth? It’s there, inside you, that kernel of knowledge that holds this truth for you. 

Am I right? Or DO YOU give yourself credit for being MAGNIFICENT every day? 

And, do you know how to do it? Just start SAYING it. “I’m MAGNIFICENT!” and you don’t even need to believe it YET! 

You just keep saying it…keep looking at yourself in the mirror as you say it. POINT at your reflection and try saying it then…say it with EXTRA FLAIR and a HUGE SMILE -“YOU are MAGNIFICENT!!!” 

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{SMILE CUZ THAT’S REALLY NICE TO HEAR FROM YOUR BIGGEST CRITIC!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Now, if you have a smartass reflection that asks you “Why?” and you don’t yet have an answer…SMILE AGAIN and say, 

That’s for ME to KNOW! Your reflection can mind it’s own business! 

But in all seriousness, a BELIEF is a thought you keep thinking, over and over…until it’s a truth. 

So, just get busy practicing with your deeply truthful magnificence. 

Listen to that still small voice deep within, the voice that is somewhat louder each day you repeat this thought…

That still small voice is growing more profoundly glad you’re reading this right now…

Can you feel it? 🙂


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Laughter CAN Save Lives–AND Businesses–News At 11 :-)

Laughter Saves Lives!
AND Business!

My wonderful friends, now and soon-to-be or Maybe Not-so-soon..but eventual friends...Laughter Yoga is HERE TO STAY!

It’s an extraordinarily EASY, INEXPENSIVE, healthful and absolutely


way of relieving stress such as you have never known before.

It’s also a FANTASTIC way to bring folks in a business meeting TOGETHER…Laughing together breaks down a LOT of barriers that might otherwise prevent OPEN CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE thought

Brainstorming takes on NEW POWER, BABY!

You can do it and no one has to know that you are!! Laughter doesn’t have to be out loud to lower Cortisol in your system! THAT is a little known fact…but the body is SOOO unbelievably gullable that it doesn’t know the difference!

IN FACT, even if you don’t FEEL like laughing, cutting loose in your car on the way to a stressful meeting or event, and just saying ho-ho-ha-ha-ha all the way, even if you don’t FEEL like laughing…the fake laughter ALSO DOES THE TRICK! Your body lowers Cortisol levels right away!! Lowering Tension and releasing muscles from rigidity. You will ALSO still get the endorphine rush. It won’t be as notable but darlin…you will STILL get a release.

Yes! Feel like laughing or not, if you go thru the motions, you WILL be healthier! You WILL have stronger Arteries! You WILL have lower Stress Levels! You WILL send oxygen around through your cells and you WILL thusly, help protect those very same cells from Cancer!

FEEL like it or NOT…Laughter will still help to HEAL you and release you from TOXIC STRESS!

EVEN If you don’t FEEL like it just LAUGH ANYWAY!

And if you feel like you just don’t understand…this YouTube video, created by the CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE ONLY DAILY LAUGHTER CLUB OUTSIDE OF INDIA….IT’s very instructional and you will probably find yourself laughing despite not feeling like laughing!

Be Your Own Inspiration!


DID YOU KNOW…Children laugh about 400 times a day?
(Tickle his belly to hear his laugh! hehe)

And Adults? about 16 times!
What if we grow old BECAUSE we stop laughing??

Love and Laughter, Always, and Joyfully!

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