Tag Archives: person

Do You Give Yourself Credit for Being Truly Magnificent?

Do you Give Yourself The Credit You Deserve for being MAGNIFICENT? 

YOU are MAGNIFICENT!! Do you feel that truth? It’s there, inside you, that kernel of knowledge that holds this truth for you. 

Am I right? Or DO YOU give yourself credit for being MAGNIFICENT every day? 

And, do you know how to do it? Just start SAYING it. “I’m MAGNIFICENT!” and you don’t even need to believe it YET! 

You just keep saying it…keep looking at yourself in the mirror as you say it. POINT at your reflection and try saying it then…say it with EXTRA FLAIR and a HUGE SMILE -“YOU are MAGNIFICENT!!!” 

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{SMILE CUZ THAT’S REALLY NICE TO HEAR FROM YOUR BIGGEST CRITIC!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Now, if you have a smartass reflection that asks you “Why?” and you don’t yet have an answer…SMILE AGAIN and say, 

That’s for ME to KNOW! Your reflection can mind it’s own business! 

But in all seriousness, a BELIEF is a thought you keep thinking, over and over…until it’s a truth. 

So, just get busy practicing with your deeply truthful magnificence. 

Listen to that still small voice deep within, the voice that is somewhat louder each day you repeat this thought…

That still small voice is growing more profoundly glad you’re reading this right now…

Can you feel it? 🙂


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